Saturday, June 28, 2008

Difference in seismic intensity between US and Japan

Do you know the seismic intensitiy index is different between contries?

For example...

1) US uses the modified Mercalli intensity (MMI) scale.
The MMI consists from twelve steps (I - XII), decided from
dameges of buildings, bodily sensation of shaking and so on.

2) Japan uses the JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) intensity scale.
The JMA intensity consists from ten steps (0-7),
decided from the seismometers (ground accelarations).

These two different intensity scale cannot be translated precisely,
however, I tried to translate it rougly. The process is detailed as follows.

1) Access to the web site "Earthquake Hazards Program" produced by USGS
(US Geological Survey). >>

2) Go to the ShakeMap. >>

3) Watch a ShakeMap image.
For example,

4) See a color pallet table below the map,
and find the Estimated Intensity values with unit of PEAK ACC(%g).
Each value approximate represents ground accelaration for each MMI.

5) Modify the unit of PEAK ACC.

6) See the JMA web site. You can see the relationship between JMA intensity
and accelaration in the graph (Fig.3).
cf. written in Japanese.
Here, we assume the frequency of shaking as 0.5 seconds.
We can easily read the accelaration range for each JMA intensity from Fig.3.

Finally, on the basis of the above 5 and 6, we can make a traslation table
between MMI and JMA intensity as follows.

I : 0-1
II-III: 1-3
IV : 3
V : 4
VI : 5L
VII : 5H
IX : 6H-7
X+ : 7

Although the translation table is not precise,
you can rougly compare the MMI and JMA intensity quickly.

Try it.

* Original Japanese article

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Put cool photos on your blog!

Although the clip arts appended to MS Office is very frexible and useful, someone may not have the Office softwaere.
How about the following another site?

- Flickr photos with a Creative Commons Attribution License

(Please use the search form with caption of "Creative Commons".)

Various photographs and illustrations created by various people are
presented here with the CC licence.

The "Attribution License" is the most frexible one in the CC licence.
Let's borrow a picture.

Earth Egg by azrainman (protected by CC Licence

Oh, What is the CC licence?

...Continued to original entry (translated by Google)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Put illustrations on your blog!

Some bloggers feel that their own blogs are cheerless because of
no beautiful photos and funny illustrations.

Don't cry!

Recently, I put many photos and illustrations on my blog.

All of them has been obtained via internet.
I modified some of them by myself.
"Did you get permission to the authors?"
Don't worry. We can use them FREELY without any permissions.

Original site is here, the Microsoft.
- Microsoft Office Online (Japan)

...Continued to original entry (translated by Google)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mega holiday

I visted "Miraikan", The National Museum of Emerging Science
and Innovation, Tokyo, Japan.

Free shuttleがdrives every 15-20 minitues around the Odaiba
area, including "Miraikan". It'is the easiest way to there.

The purpose of this excursion is ...

The MEGASTAR-II cosmos!
This is a planetarium with five million fixed stars !
At the last visting, I could not get the ticket.
This time, I fortunately obtained it.

Before enjoying MEGASTAR, I ate the different mega.

Super mega burger at Wendy's
Three putties with 300g!

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ice in Tokyo

It's too cold everyday in Japan. How do you do?

Lake Suwa, located in the middle of Japan, was frozen totally and
ridges of ice were found through the center of lake.
Local people called the phenomena as "Omiwatari" and
beleive it as the sign of blessedness.

- Lake Suwa: Omiwatari revealed since 2006

Ice is fanny material.
I found an ice sheet covering a small pond in Tokyo.

Several meters square.

A rough surface. It implies that the ice sheet has been melted in
day-time and frozen in night-time.
The mechanism is as same as the ice ridge called as "Omiwatari".

...Continued to original entry (translated by Google)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Balloon mail: emotion and problem

Japanese newspapers tell that a balloon with a mail released 15
years ago was replied by a deep-sea fish.

a flatfish delivered a mail attached to a ballon 15 year ago.

A girl released the balloon with her mail, and 15 years later, the mail
was attached on the flatfish and obtained by a fisherman.

What's an impressive story!
A human is not alone. He (or she) connect everywhere and everytime to another human.
However, the story feel me a problem about deep-sea garbage.

Sea-floor is covered by prenty of rubbers, vinyls and plastic materials, isn't it?

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Friday, February 8, 2008

Red sky at Sunrise

Sunrise on the ocean.
I took it when I was on board of the JAMSTEC research vessel
last month.

In the Sagami bay, Japan

I retrieved the ocean bottom gravimeter at that time.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sake and Cat in Kyoto

Continued from the previous entry.

After visiting the Ginkaku-ji temple, I went to Fushimi, a small city
located at the southern tip of the Kyoto town.
Fushimi is famous about Japanese rice wine ("Sake").

Walking around the sake brewery.
The steam may be related to making sake.

When I entered a cafe in the Fushimi area,

I saw a cat sitting on a chair.

...Continued to original entry (translated by Google)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Walking around the Ginkaku-ji temple

I walked around the Ginkaku-ji temple.

"Road for philosophers" is a famous alley in Kyoto.
I love to walk along the road and the river.

But before the stroll, I went a small restaurant.

This is an original form of Japanese pizza "Okonomi-yaki".
Put mouse cursol on this photo for the larger image.

...Continued to original entry (translated by Google)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Very old temple (500 years old!)

At the short stay in Kyoto, I visited the Ginkaku-ji temple.
It was first time for me, although I have climbed the mountain
behind the temple. (The mountain is famous as "Daimonji Yaki".)

The Ginkakku-ji temple. It was originaly a cottage for the Japanese
general, Yoshimasa Ashikaga (1449-1473).

The main building ("Kannon-den"). It looks quite old!

Sand garden. It looks solid and is quite different from the another
famous Kyoto sand garden in the Ryoan-ji temple.

...Continued to original entry (translated by Google)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Old house in Kyoto

I had a chance to stay an old townhouse in Kyoto.
The house is located at the northern side of the Kyoto imperial garden.

The house is called as "Shokoku-An".
Let's go inside.

Small garden with a wooden terrace.

Traditional low table ("Chabudai") in the living room.
It is so quiet. Although the recent concrete houses was sealed up and keep for quiet,
The house was surrounded by the natural quietness in Kyoto.
Actually, I got up in the next morning due to a light sound of drizzle.

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Go to the underground world

This day, I went a special exibition of the underground world
held at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
(Miraikan), Tokyo.

"Special Exhibition "UNDERGROUND
- Adventure in the darkness created by Imagination and Science"

I enjoyed it. It was a kind of collaboration between art and science.

I arrived the museum in the morning.
I found Mt Fuji behind the buildings.
Note that the front-left mountain is a monument, not Mt. Fuji.

This is a symbol for Miraikan, named "Geo Cosmos",
a large spherical screen.

Inside the special exibition of underground world.
It is like a white labyrinth.

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Happy new year!

Happy new year!

I had busy year-end and have quiet new year.
Many japanese people send new-year celebration cards
(called as "Nenga-jo") to their family and friends.
Normally, the cards should be posted until Dec 25, but I finished
them on Dec 31. ...Sorry for the late arrival of my cards.

Then, I ate the year-end noodle ("Toshikoshi-soba").
It is a Japanese traditional dinner at the year-end day.
Eating the long noodle, we thank and pray the long peaceful life.

This is my new-year card.
Cheerful cat at a tea saloon in Kyoto.

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