Sunday, December 23, 2007

I want DVD...

Recentry, two DVD titles of Japanese animetion are produced.

First, "Conan, the boy in future" DVD-BOX is released in 2008.
The reservation is accepted by Amazon and so on.

未来少年コナン 30周年メモリアルボックス (期間限定生産)

Many people at the age of 30-40 know well. Yonger people may not?
The stage of story is the Earth after a future world war.
Living people at the world was impressive for me.
They cannot abandon their technology ruining the world.
Plastic material created by the former world is energy source for them...

Another title is related to "Space life in future".
機動戦士ガンダム 劇場版メモリアルボックス

This is the well-known "Mobile Suit Gundam".
Movie version (6-7 hours) are collected.

I was low-teen when the movie was presented at theaters.
Not only me, but most children love Gundam. Why?
I guess that the reality on their life in space impact us, as told at the
beginning of the movie; "ordinary people was born, grown, had babies,
raise them and died in the space."

I want them....

...Continued to original entry (translated by Google)


We had the year-end-party with labo members.
In Japan, the party is called as "Forget-A-Year Party".
However, I would not like to forget many things learned at
an EM workshop, hold for these three days.
I also would not like to forget bad news in this year.
I simply enjoyed the party with talking the topics in this year.

A tree at the station

...Continued to original entry (translated by Google)

Lunch Time Seminar

We hold the "Lunch Time Seminar" in our institute.
Several years ago, a staff in our labo asked me, "what you study?"
So we started this seminar.
This was the 16th presentation in our seminar.

Researchers, staff and so on attended to the seminar with lunch.

The presentator was a researcher just come back from D/V Chikkyu.
(D/V = Drilling Vessel)
She is digging off Kumano, southwest Japan for sampling rocks around
the shallow thrust faults on the seismogenic zone.

Presentation with exaggerated gestures

...Continued to original entry (translated by Google)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Volcanoes on moon

Recently, several news about moon are reported.

#1: Volcanic activity on moon at 4.3 billion years ago.

On the basis of moon rocks taken by Apollo,
the evolution of moon is suggested as follows.

4.5 BA: The moon was born with the earth. The surface is solidated,
then many meteorites impacts the moon surface . Many craters.
3.8 BA: After the exclusive impact era, volcanic activity on the moon
was started.
2.5 BA: End of the volcanic activity.
After that, no volcanic activities are recognized.

In this news, meteorites found in Africa have its age of 4.3 BA.
It indicates that the suggested evolution was wrong.
A few rock samples change the scientific scheme... It's truly science!

Moon taken on a research vessel.
It was ACTIVE for 1.8 billion years!

Continue to Japanese site... >> Click

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Was NHK turely wrong?

As presented in the previous entry, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency(JAXA)and Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)
took the Hi-vision movie of the Earth-rise from the Moon horizon
by the moon explorer satellite "Kaguya".

This movie was opened to public via the NHK news programs
and so on. However, some Japanese space writers criticize NHK
because NHK might refuse to open the movies on their web sites
with Hi-vision quality.

"Publishty of Hi-vision movies from the Moon"
The writer argued as follows:
- The Hi-vision camera on "Kaguya" was developed by NHK.
The budget for camera is based on licence fee from public to NHK .
- JAXA and NHK did not open the Hi-vision movies on Internet.
- JAXA wanted it, but NHK refused.
- NHK should open the Hi-vision movie on Internet.

Althogh I do not believe NHK so much, I think that NHK was not wrong.
I suggest that JAXA should have the responsivility.

Continued to Japanese pages...

Fantastic Earth-rise!

This is an old news.
I have attended a research cruise for a month, and could not report it.
However, if you don't know the news and have never seen the movie,
I strongly recommend to visit the following site.

The moon explorer satellite "Kaguya" took a Hi-vision movie
of the Earth-rise from the Moon horizon.

The movie is provided as Flash-movie so that most people can enjoy it.
Just a 4 minutes movie is quite impressive for me.
I cannot explain why the Earth-rise is so fantastic.
Moon will have resources (metal mineral and energy),
and will be a useful place for human.
But I feel that the movie give us other meaning to visit the Moon.

Continued to Japanese pages... >> Click

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Burning Kamakura

Fortunatelly, The wildfire in California was over.
Now, Kamakura, an old city in Japan is, burned .... by red leaves!

Taken by a camera (on my moblie phone).

Another angle with another digital camera.

Here is an entrance of the "Kamakura-gu" shrine.
I have been on a research vessel for a month.
(See details in my Japanese blog).
I thought I cound not see the beautifule red leaves this year.
But in this weekend, I saw them in Kamakura fortunately,
which is a famous old and beautiful city near Tokyo in Japan.

... continued to my Japanese page ... >> Click